Category SIP Trunks

Planning a Successful SIP Trunk Migration

I keep getting asked to guest blog post about SIP and I just can’t seem to say “no.”  If you are planning a SIP migration or want to tune your existing configuration, this is the article for you. Planning a Successful SIP Trunk Migration

Creating SIP Trunks With Avaya CPaaS

In my latest video, I show you how easy it is to configure and deploy SIP trunks on Avaya CPaaS.  To make it simple to understand, I give you a step-by-step way to PSTN-enable a free SIP soft client.  Check it out!

Taking the Bite Out of a SIP Hacker

“Never let the same dog bite you twice.” Chuck Berry Before I discuss securing SIP, I want you to imagine a bank.  Every bank I know has a sturdy door equipped with a good lock and some form of alarm system.  Inside the bank, it’s not uncommon to have a trained security guard.  The tellers […]

The Great SIP Security Challenge

After taking a too-long break from No Jitter, I am back in the saddle again.  Please check out my latest article. The Great SIP Security Challenge

Home is Where the Work Is

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Winston Churchill This morning, I held my first virtual open office and although I nearly always hold myself to impossible standards, I was pleased with how it turned out.  […]

Death and SIP Taxes

The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tired feeling. — Paula Poundstone There are very few things in life that I truly hate.  Yes, there is much that I very much dislike, but hate is such a strong word that I like to […]

Taking the Boredom Out of SIP Trunks

I think it’s an actor’s responsibility to change every time. Not only for himself and the people he’s working with, but for the audience. If you just go out and deliver the same dish every time… it’s meat loaf again… you’d get bored. I’d get bored. — Johnny Depp This will not come as a […]

Using APIs to Change the Role of the Telecom Department

Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. — John F. Kennedy My job puts me in front of the telephony departments of small, medium, large, and even gargantuan companies on a very regular basis.  Not tied to any specific industry, […]

SIP: Less is the New More

It’s easy to get sidetracked with technology, and that is the danger, but ultimately you have to see what works with the music and what doesn’t. In a lot of cases, less is more. In most cases, less is more. — Herbie Hancock Hello, my name is Andrew Prokop and I am a public radio […]

The Secrets of a Successful SIP Trunk Migration

Learning never exhausts the mind. — Leonardo da Vinci I go to a fair number of trade shows and industry conferences throughout the year and as much as I love presenting at these events, I am just as thrilled to attend sessions given by my communications colleagues. It’s rare when I don’t pick up a […]