Category CloudHawk

Building Bots with Natural Language Processing

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. — Nelson Mandela I would venture to guess that most people had their first encounter with natural language processing (NLP) when Apple added Siri to the […]

Smart Speakers: From the Kitchen to the Boardroom

In my previous article here at SIP Adventures, I introduced you to the work I am doing with smart speakers and IoT.  This week’s article in No Jitter, takes that work even further and demonstrates how smart speakers such as Google Home can be integrated with WebEx Teams.  Be sure to check it out! Smart […]

Building IoT Bots With CloudHawk and Google Home

I have been programming since I was a senior at Coronado High way back in 1975.  Yes, I am that old.  While today’s projects are light years beyond the simple things I once wrote in BASIC and Fortran, the thrill of creating something amazing out of a bunch of number and letters is still just […]