Tag Archives: SDP

SIP: Looking Behind the Curtain

Are you coming to Enterprise Connect in March?  If so, here are a few reasons why you want/need to attend my ever-popular SIP session. SIP:  Looking Behind the Curtain

A Practical Look at DTMF and RFC 2833/4733

It’s easy to get lost in the technological babble of our industry. We are awash in acronyms, product names, standards (real and pseudo), protocols, and vendor specific terminology. I can’t tell you how many times I thought I was hearing something new only to realize it was just another way of expressing an old idea. […]

Dissecting a SIP Conference Call

Every few months, I teach a two and a half day class on all things SIP. I cover every request and response messages, most of the headers, and the students use Wireshark with a SIP softphone to do in-depth call flow analysis. These flows include basic and sophisticated telephone calls, presence, and instant message. I […]

An Introduction to WebRTC Signaling

There is something you need to know about me. When I get excited about something, I tend to get really excited. Case in point is WebRTC. I’ve seen a lot of amazing ideas, inventions, and products in the field of communications, but the notion of turning a web browser into a full featured multimedia communications […]

SIP Media Management: Early Offer vs. Late Offer

I hate being late. Just ask my wife. She has grown used to the fact that I like being in our seats at least 20 minutes prior to the start of a movie, but she never fails to point out that we are the only ones in the theater at that time.  Thankfully, she has […]

Understanding Session Description Protocol (SDP)

It’s impossible to truly understand SIP without understanding its cousin, Session Description Protocol (SDP).  While SIP deals with establishing, modifying, and tearing down sessions, SDP is solely concerned with the media within those sessions.  That SIP would relegate media to another protocol is not accidental.  The creators of SIP set out to make it media […]