Understanding SIP Registration

Let’s start at the very beginning

a very good place to start

when you read you begin with A B C

when you sing you begin with Do Re Mi

I have always loved musicals and Rogers and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music” is high on my list of favorites. Sure, it’s corny and far from historically accurate, but that doesn’t bother me in the least. I am always willing to set aside any sense of reality for good singing, romance, and adventure and “The Sound of Music” has them all.

So, what does this have to do with unified communications? REGISTER, of course. Like Do Re Me, you begin SIP with REGISTER.

Can you get SIP devices to communicate without REGISTER? Absolutely. In fact, when I teach my SIP class, the students put their SIP clients into point-to-point mode which does not require REGISTER. This means that clients send SIP requests and responses directly to the other clients and not through a proxy. The clients can do everything all by themselves.

However, point-to-point without REGISTER has a serious downfall. The clients are required to know the IP addresses of all the other clients they wish to communicate with. While this is fine in a limited classroom environment, it becomes unwieldy after you grow beyond a handful of endpoints.

As an analogy, imagine having to know the IP address of everyone you wanted to send an email to.   That’s the same problem you have if you don’t use REGISTER. It’s simply not practical.

The Tie that Binds

REGISTER associates a user’s identification, or Address of Record (AOR), with one or more locations. Note that I said locations. You are not limited to registering an AOR to a single device. Personally, I routinely register my AOR to a physical desk phone and multiple SIP soft-clients. Present day Avaya Aura supports up to ten such registrations per user. That’s enough to make even the most device crazy nerd happy.

You bind an AOR to an IP address with a Contact header.  For example, one of my soft clients might tell a SIP registrar that aprokop can be reached at with this Contact header.

Contact: Andrew Prokop <SIP:aprokop@>

Registrations are time-based and will eventually expire. This requires the client to periodically refresh a REGISTER with a new REGISTER. Actually, new isn’t the correct word to use for this. Subsequent REGISTER messages must contain the same Contact, To, From, call-ID, and From tag  as the original registration. This allows the SIP registrar to know that it’s simply a refresh and not a new registration for the same AOR.

Please note that CSeq will increment with each REGISTER sent.

To learn more about registration timers, please see my article, Understanding SIP Timers Part II.

Keeping Things Secure

I may tell my communications system that I am Andrew Prokop, but it would be foolish to trust me at face value. That’s why SIP allows a REGISTER to be challenged as to the authenticity of the user.

Before I go through a REGISTER challenge, allow me to define something known as a nonce.

Nonce stands for Number Once and is an arbitrary number used only once in a cryptographic communication. The recipient of a nonce will use it to encrypt his or her credentials. Number once refers to the fact that encryption with this nonce can only be done one time. If someone were to sniff the LAN and obtain someone’s encrypted password, it won’t do them any good because it can only be used in a single transaction. It becomes stale and useless immediately after its first use.

A REGISTER flow is fairly simple and follows these steps:

  1. A user sends a REGISTER to the SIP registrar. The To and From headers contain the user’s AOR. The user specifies the number of seconds the registration should be valid in the Expires header. This value can be later raised or lowered by the registrar.
  2. The registrar returns a 401 Unauthorized response with a WWW-Authenticate header.  This header contains data that must be used to encrypt the user’s communications password. Specifically, it contains a nonce along with the name of the encryption algorithm that the client must use.
  3. The user sends a second REGISTER to the SIP registrar. This REGISTER contains an Authorization header.   Within Authorization is the user’s encrypted password.
  4. If the correct password is received by the registrar, a 200 Ok response is sent to signify a successful registration. An Expires header may be present with a different value than what the user requested.  This is the time the registration will be valid as determined by the registrar’s policies.

A registration is removed by sending a REGISTER with an Expires header value of 0 (zero).

In a picture, we have this.


Using the traceSM tool on an Avaya Aura Session Manager, I captured the following trace which shows a REGISTER, the challenge, and a REGISTER with encrypted credentials.  Take a look at the headers and you will see that they are doing exactly what I said they would do.




In the case of my daily life, my various SIP devices will each send a REGISTER, be challenged, and resend the REGISTER with the encrypted credentials. They periodically refresh their registrations to ensure that I am able to make and receive calls on all my devices until I am finished for the day.

Speaking of finished for the day, that’s about all I have to say about REGISTER.  It’s not that complicated once you understand the basics.  Just keep in mind that while registration isn’t absolutely mandatory, it enables a secure, scalable, and easy to manage SIP solution.

And these are a few of my favorite things.


  1. Faisal Nakade · · Reply

    One of my SIP Client increments Source Port by 1 for each REGISTER(Initial Registration). So if 1st Initial REGISTER is sent from Source Port 24000 then Registrar will challenge for authentication 401 then Client again sends REGISTER with Authentication Answer but this time it will use Source Port 24001 & it expects Registrar must send 200 OK with Contact header containing Source Port 24001.But this is not the case. Registrar is insisting that it will send 200 OK Contact Header with Port 24000 (based on 1st REGISTER)as we cannot change CONTACT header till final response to REGISTER is received citing RFC 3261. Same RFC it s mentioned that For reliable transports, the response is normally sent on the connection on which the request was received. Therefore, the client transport MUST be prepared to receive the response on the same connection used to send the request. What is the correct way to handle things here. For refresh Register Client is retaining port before/AFter Authentication

  2. Guillermo · · Reply

    Hi Andrew, I hope you are ok.

    I would like you can help me to be clear with following.

    If I have a REGISTER with Cseq=1 that does not have Authorization, butit is previously registered in the SBC cache, if it is not being proxied to the Registrar and is receiving the 200OK. Is that SBC behavior, correct? or the SBC should proxy all the REGISTER with Cseq1 to the REGISTRAR even if SBC have the AoR already in its cache?

    I was trying reading the 10.2 Constructing the REGISTER Request and 10.3 Processing REGISTER Requests and the rest of the RFC, but is not clear if the SBC should have to proxied the REGISTER always that Cseq=1.

    Thanks a lot

    1. I am sorry, but I don’t have an official answer for that. I would like to see it proxied on, but I don’t know if that is proper behavior or not.

  3. Guillermo · · Reply

    Thanks for you replay amigo.
    I am looking for in the SBC this behavior.

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